Sabtu, 09 Juni 2012

The Components of SQA System

The SQA System - an SQA Architecture  

To know the SQA system easier we have SQA system components as the SQA Architecture which will give you the graphic illustration.on picture 1 . Include the the description of each component in detail.
Picture 1. SQA Architecture
There are 6 classes of the SQA system - The Components of SQA;

1. Pre-project Component

On the pre-project component phase is used to improve the preparatory steps on the initiation work project, ensure that time and schedule has been defined, and determine development and quality plan.  Step on the pre-project componets are contract review and project development and quality plan, which will be explain bellow;

a. Contract Review 
When the work involves two parties or more, we definitely need a contract to equate decision. The development unit is committed to an agreed upon functional specification, budget and schedule. Contract review activities include:

■ Clarification of the customer's requirements
■ Review of the project's schedule and resource requirements estimates
■ Evaluation of the professional staff's capacity to carry out the proposed project
■ Evaluation of the customer's capacity to fulfill his obligations
■ Evaluation f development risks.

b. Development and Quality Plans

Developmet Plan : a plan of the project
Quality Plan   : a plan for integrated quality assurance activities

There will be divided into 2 issues based on the development and quality plan project.

Issue treated in the project development plan are:
- Schedule
-Required Manpower and hardware resources
- Risk Evaluations
-Organizational issues: team members, subcontractors and parnterships
- Project methodology, development tools

Issue treated in the project quality plan are:
- Quality goals (in measurable terms)
- Criteria for starting and ending of each project's stage
- List of planned reviews and tests including schedule to verify and validate activities

2. Software Project Life Cycle Components

Project Life cycle Components is composed of two stages:
★ Development life cycle stage 
★ The Operation maintenance stage
The main components are :
a. Reviews
- The design phase development process produces a variety documents.  
- The printed products include :
        ■ design reports,
        ■ software test documents.
        ■ software installation,
        ■ software manual
Reviews can be categorized as :
- Formal design Reviews (DRs)
- Peer Review 
Peer review is the evaluation of performance or the work by other people in the same field in order to maintain or enhance the quality of the work/performance

b. Expert Opinions
 Expert Opinions support the quality assasement efforts
c. Software Testing
 Software test are formal SQA Components that are targeted toward review of the actual running of the sofware
d. Assurance of the quality of the subcontractor's work and customer-supplied parts.

3. Components of infrasturcture error prevention and improvement                                

Software maintenance services vary in range and are provided for extensipe periods, often several years. These services fall into the following categories :
- corrective  maintenance
- adaptive maintenance
- functionally improvement maintenance

Preventive and Corrective Actions
Systematic study of the data collected regarding instances of failure and success contributes to the quality process in:
- Implementation of changes that prevent similar failures in the future
- Correction of similar faults found in other projects among the activities performed by other teams.
 - Implementing proven successful methodologies to enhance the probability of repeat success.

4. Software Quality Management                                                                                                   

Managerial SQA components support the managerial control of software development projects and maintenance services.
Control components include:
- Project progress control (including maintenance contract control)
The main objective of project progress control components is to detect the apperance of any situation that may induce deviations from the project's plans and maintenance service performance. 
- Software quality metric
 Measurement of the various aspects of software quality is considered to be an effective tool for support of control activities and the initiation of process improvement during the development and maintenance phases.
- Software quality cost
 The quality cost incurred by software development and application. Including the prevention cost. appraisal costs, control cost, internal and external failure cost, etc. 

5. Standardization certification and SQA system assasement                                               

The main objectives of this class of component are:
- Utilization of internal professional knowledge
- Imrovement of coordination with other organization's quality systems
- Objective professional evaluation and measurement of the achievements of the organization's quality systems

Quality Management Standards:
a. The standards focus on what is required and leave the decision about how to achieve it to the organization
example of type standard are :
- SEI CMM assessment standard
- ISO 9001 and ISO 9000-3 standard

Projects process standards
a. Project process standards are professional standards that provide methodological guidelines (dealing with the question of "how") for the development team.
Example of type standards are :
- IEEE 1012 standard
- ISO/IEC 12207 standard

6. Organizing for SQA - The human components                                                                      

The main objectives are :
- Initiate and support the implementation of SQA components
- Detect deviation from SQA procedures and methodology
- Suggest improvement

Management's role in SQA
The responsibilities of top management, departmental management and project management include :
- Definition of the quality policy
- Effective follow-up of quality policy implementation
- Assignment of adequate staff
- Follow-up of compliance of quality assurance procedures

1 komentar:

seema mengatakan...

Thanks for sharing this list. Very grateful. I work at mobile app testing company where i think it will be definitely useful.

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